A. Shah , R. Fontugne , E. Aben , C. Pelsser , R. Bush
Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) - 2017
International conference with proceedings
Disco: Fast, Good, and Cheap Outage Detection, Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Dublin, Ireland, juin 2017
Research team : Réseaux
@Inproceedings{4-SFAP17, author = {Shah, A. and Fontugne, R. and Aben, E. and Pelsser, C. and Bush, R.}, title = {Disco: Fast, Good, and Cheap Outage Detection}, booktitle = {Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA)}, month = {Jun}, year = {2017}, x-international-audience = {Yes}, x-language = {EN}, url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/4-SFAP17} }