Webpage : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03187930
P. Perrusi , A. Cazzaniga , P. Baksic , E. Tagliabue , E. de Momi , H. Courtecuisse
AUTOMED 2021 - 2021
International conference with proceedings
Robotic needle steering in deformable tissues with extreme learning machines, AUTOMED 2021, Basel, France, juin 2021
Research team : AVR, MLMS
@Inproceedings{4-PCBT21a, author = {Perrusi, P. and Cazzaniga, A. and Baksic, P. and Tagliabue, E. and de Momi, E. and Courtecuisse, H.}, title = {Robotic needle steering in deformable tissues with extreme learning machines}, booktitle = {AUTOMED 2021}, month = {Jun}, year = {2021}, x-international-audience = {Yes}, x-language = {EN}, url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/4-PCBT21a} }