C. Meyer , V. Mallouh , D. Spehner , E. Baudrier , P. Schultz , B. Naegel
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) , page 668-672 - 2021
International conference with proceedings
Automatic multi class organelles segmentation for cellular FIB-SEM images, International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Nice, France, pages 668-672, avril 2021, doi:10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9434075
Research team : IMAGeS
@Inproceedings{4-MMSB21, author = {Meyer, C. and Mallouh, V. and Spehner, D. and Baudrier, E. and Schultz, P. and Naegel, B.}, title = {Automatic multi class organelles segmentation for cellular FIB-SEM images}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)}, pages = {668-672}, month = {Apr}, year = {2021}, organization = {IEE}, doi = {10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9434075}, x-international-audience = {Yes}, x-language = {EN}, url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/4-MMSB21} }