Depth-resolved local reflectance spectra measurements in full-field optical coherence tomography

R. Claveau , P. Montgomery , M. Flury , D. Montaner

Optics Express , Volume 25 , Number 17 , page 20216-20232 - 2017
Additionnal material

International journal Depth-resolved local reflectance spectra measurements in full-field optical coherence tomography, Optics Express, Optical Society of America ( SNIP : 1.434, SJR : 1.138 ), pages 20216-20232, Volume 25, n° 17, août 2017, doi:10.1364/OE.25.020216 Research team : IPP

 author = {Claveau, R. and Montgomery, P. and Flury, M. and Montaner, D.},
 title = {Depth-resolved local reflectance spectra measurements in full-field optical coherence tomography},
 journal = {Optics Express},
 number = {17},
 volume = {25},
 pages = {20216-20232},
 month = {Aug},
 year = {2017},
 doi = {10.1364/OE.25.020216},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {}