Hybrid Soft/Rigid Robots for medical applications

F. Schmitt , O. Piccin , L. Barbé , G. Morel , B. Bayle

- 2018

Other Hybrid Soft/Rigid Robots for medical applications, octobre 2018. Présentation interactive. Continuum and Soft Robotics for Medical Interventions Workshop – IROS 2018 Research team : AVR
Platform : IRIS

 author = {Schmitt, F. and Piccin, O. and Barb\'e, L. and Morel, G. and Bayle, B.},
 title = {Hybrid Soft/Rigid Robots for medical applications},
 month = {Oct},
 year = {2018},
 note = {Pr\'esentation interactive. Continuum and Soft Robotics for Medical Interventions Workshop – IROS 2018},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/7-SPBM18}