Anisotropic Filtering for On-the-fly Patch-based Texturing

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N. Lutz , B. Sauvage , F. Larue , J-M. Dischler

Eurographics 2019 - 2019

International conference with proceedings Anisotropic Filtering for On-the-fly Patch-based Texturing, Eurographics 2019, Genova, Italy, mai 2019 Research team : IGG
Platform : GAIA

 author = {Lutz, N. and Sauvage, B. and Larue, F. and Dischler, J-M.},
 title = {Anisotropic Filtering for On-the-fly Patch-based Texturing},
 booktitle  = {Eurographics 2019},
 month = {May},
 year = {2019},
 organization = {Eurographics},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {}