Using comanipulation with active force feedback to undistort stiffness perception in laparoscopy

F. Schmitt , J. Sulub , I. Avellino , J. Da Silva , L. Barbé , O. Piccin , B. Bayle , G. Morel

2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) - 2019

International conference with proceedings Using comanipulation with active force feedback to undistort stiffness perception in laparoscopy, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montréal, Canada, mai 2019 Research team : AVR
Platform : IRIS

 author = {Schmitt, F. and Sulub, J. and Avellino, I. and Da Silva, J. and Barb\'e, L. and Piccin, O. and Bayle, B. and Morel, G.},
 title = {Using comanipulation with active force feedback to undistort stiffness perception in laparoscopy},
 booktitle  = {2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
 month = {May},
 year = {2019},
 organization = {IEE},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {}