Pneumatic device for holding and moving an elongate object, and medical system incorporating such a device

M. Nierenberger , L. Barbé , P. Renaud , B. Wach , A. Bruyas

, Number 20180344977 - 2016-11-24

Patent / Software licence Pneumatic device for holding and moving an elongate object, and medical system incorporating such a device ( Pneumatic device for holding and moving an elongate object, and medical system incorporating such a device ). Dépôt de brevet américain, n° 20180344977, le 24 novembre 2016, publication n° WO2017089711A1, le 1 juin 2017. actif Research team : AVR
Platform : IRIS

 author = {Nierenberger, M. and Barb\'e, L. and Renaud, P. and Wach, B. and Bruyas, A.},
 title = {Pneumatic device for holding and moving an elongate object, and medical system incorporating such a device},
 booktitle  = {Pneumatic device for holding and moving an elongate object, and medical system incorporating such a device},
 number = {20180344977},
 month = {Nov},
 year = {2016},
 note = {actif},
 type = {D\'ep\^ot de brevet am\'ericain},
 ISSN = {WO2017089711A1},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {}